Sunday, March 25, 2018

Logo Project | Researching: Competition

In the process of creating my logo, I have been doing research on different logos that might be an influence. I have tried to find student work, professional logos, and etc. is a playlist of tutorials and student work I found inspiring. Some of these, mainly the ones labeled Typography or About Me inspire me tremendously, and make me want to create something of the sort this week.

Here are some logos I found after researching. These are made by freelancers. Some are their actual logos, and some are logos they allow you to take and use. These are a huge inspiration in the type of logo I want to create.

I have found that each of these have a very specific style that caters to the look of their clientele, which is something I need to watch when creating my logo. While I want this logo to be a reference to myself, and who I am, I also want it to be something that will resonate with the public.

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