Saturday, March 24, 2018

Character Environment CANDYLAND | Storyboard + Development + Feedback

The following is rough sketches done in a pen that was running out of ink and mechanical pencil. I attempted to use arrows to symbolize the motion that the girl would be creating. These arrows can be found in frames such as three and four to show basic motion.
  • For frame three, I describe the rocking movement, which is something I want to create when she lands too hard and cannot catch her balance.
  • For frame four, I use arrows and pencil lines to describe the bending of her torso when retrieving the candy. The arrow can also be seen duplicated in pencil in the close up.

The feedback I received touched base on many different things. I broke them down into categories in order to provide myself with a better framework for the final.

Character The girl’s color blends in with the candy (as does the candy with background). She also blends into the background. When she pops up at the end, you do not notice the candy in her mouth. Also, she seemed very pixelated when shown large scale on the projector.
Solutions I am considering changing her to a gray scale and once she retrieves the candy to have her change to a full colored character. I will also work on finding a way to remove the pixilation in her. I am hoping that I will be able to do this since she was created in Photoshop, something different than what I usually do. The candy will change to be more saturated also, instead of the cotton candy color scheme as the rest of the document.

Movement The girl jumps fast but falls slow, which is the opposite of real time movement. The girl does not accurately follow the path and may need to be scaled down in order to fit the path. Finally, the girl DOES NOT walk at the beginning but slides in.
Solutions I need to add the key frames for the walk motion at the beginning of the animation. Also, I need to work on her sizing and timing of separate things.

Sound While sound was not added, it was discussed. Possible addition of background noise, candy wrapper sound. The noise will demonstrate what is happening.

Questions Some questions I received were: “What’s the purpose of the outline?” “Should the girl be black and white till she picks up the candy?” “Why is the most animated part currently when she picks up the candy?”

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